Allied Membership

Restaurant supplier companies

If you provide a service - any service - to the restaurant industry and want to expand your network, you should join as an Allied member!  Check out the wide range of categories already listed in our Buyers' Guide.

Restaurants are searching for local, trustworthy brands to conduct business with, and by joining the Restaurant Association of Maryland as an Allied member,  you have the opportunity to boost your reputation and increase your odds of earning business within the industry. RAM Allied membership is only $750!

Become an Allied Member



RAM Allied membership includes:

  • Exposure to RAM members through the online Buyers' Guide and other RAM resources
  • Opportunity to showcase your brand on our website and through our newsletter
  • Sponsorship opportunities at RAM events
  • Legislative updates and RAM Member Newsletters that include important industry information
  • Access to RAM's own Workers' Comp Insurance Program
  • Access to RAM partners that provide medical insurance, credit card processing, electricity, natural gas and more
  • RAM member mailing list
  • Discounts on ServSafe and Alcohol Awareness certification classes

Looking to expand your reach and prominently advertise your business?

Our media kit includes information on RAM Website Ads, RAM Member Newsletter Ads & RAM's Targeted Marketing Program